The culinary art is the art of preparing and cooking foods, while the cooking school is an institution that specialises in the art and science of food preparation.
The Cooking Center

Who are Better in Cooking, Men or Women?

The activity of cooking has been associated with women since time immemorial. Even in the modern times when men have excelled and become well known in the culinary arts, the task of cooking is still attributed to women. And because men have become outstanding in this area which is identified with women, a debate on which gender is better has emerged.

* Women – As mentioned, the task of cooking have been identified with the female gender since the prehistoric times. We can support that women are better in cooking because it is a feminine activity as it involved in taking care of the family and the nutrition and health of the society in general. Women are more caring and thoughtful than men, generally, and these two attributes are necessary in cooking or the culinary arts. This is because cooking is a delicate task; a speck of carelessness can alter the recipe and destroy the intended taste of the dish. Women are very careful because they care enough to go the extra mile in serving the best possible meal. And talking about service, it is the female gender which is tasked to serve the family which includes the male husband. And thus, the husband does not cook and is not associated with cooking.

* Men – Arriving at the part where we discuss male species, as mentioned, husbands are served in the family. The male gender is not known for its cooking or culinary prowess. However, recently and even in older times, there have been many outstanding male cooks and chefs. In fact, chefs are given the impression of being men. This is because first well known and outstanding chefs are men. Men are known for being skillful in mastering what they do, and this includes cooking. As cooking or culinary arts have become a set of skills or a structured profession of practice, male have become dominant in this field because professional career areas and excellence in them are attributed to men. Men are very good at learning and mastering skills and cooking has become a set of skills.

The cooking profession is the domain of women and it has also been dominated by men. The debate of who is better cannot be settled because it is not a question of gender, but rather, an issue of skills and character.

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